Current Interruption devices or CIDs are devices that are built into any electrical circuit aimed to cut off the flow of current. CIDs are basically tasked with the prevention of incidents like short circuits and open circuit or electrical overload. Current interruption devices are also known as circuit breakers are very similar to switches that provide security to the various components and wiring that exist on the electrical circuit. CIDs are very much similar to fuses which burst in incidents of overloads or short circuits which create extra heat. Fuses need to be replaced after every incident while a current interruption device can be reused several times over.
Current interruption devices technically are built like a mechanical switch which is placed on the main wire running across, connecting the two polar ends of the circuit. The method in which this device works in the circuit is that when the switch is active the electric current flows from one polar end towards the opposite polar end through the CID device. In cases where an overload of electric current occurs or a short circuit situation arises the interruption device becomes active and simply just does not allow any further flow of electric current to pass or basically interrupting the circuit.
Current interruption devices are basically potential mechanical energy which is built in the form of a spring or compressed air built using materials which are good conductors commonly copper, alloys of copper, silver and silver alloys.