Almost all of us are seeking ways to make money every day. Such as find a job which better paid or build your own business. However, seldom people get to know that saving money is also a good way to earn money!
You may have already read many articles about how to save money like: make a budget, put aside a set amount in savings regularly, pay as you go for regular expenses and etc. Below are some practical tips for save your money on how to cut down your expenses.
- Be a smart shopper
Shopping cost covers most of our expenses. Be a wise shopper will save a lot.
A. Buy what suits you, not the most expensive one. Do you really need this $3000 LV bag? Does it look great on you? How about you buy a similar style from other brand which cost only $300? Find your needs and what fits you. Stop impulse buying.
B. Make a comparison and selection while shopping. Usually shop online is cheaper than offline. There are many websites and news about discounts and special offers. Keep an eye on it. Also you can join some clubs or groups to enjoy a benefits.
- Make a good plan of your travel rout
Many of us have plan to travel every year. Whether you are traveling at home or abroad, make sure to fix your plan in advance and in details. Air fare is cheaper when you book earlier. And a good plan rout will save a lot of money and time. What’s more, better choose off-season travel, cost will be lower and also less crowded.
- Cook by yourself instead of eating outside
Eating outside is not healthy but cost money. You may save around 5-10 dollars if you cook and bring launch to the office. If you make coffee and you save $3 for Starbucks latte and that is $20 per week if one cup per day. If you have no time and choose eating outside, you can use coupons if possible.
- Spend your weekend at the coffeehouse
Take your laptop to the coffee shop if you still have some work or nowhere to go at weekend. This is a good way to save electricity I guess.
- Get your own manicure at home
This tips specially for those fashion girls. Get your own manicure at home instead of outside once a week. Learn some simple skills of how to manicure your nails online and try to DIY by yourself.
- Mow the lawn instead of hiring someone else
If you have a garden, buy some power tools and batteries and trim the lawn by yourself. This is much cheaper than hiring someone else. No time limits, you get fun and also take some excises.
- Carpool at least one day a week instead of driving to work
If you drive to office everyday, try at least one day to carpool. If it’s not far away, you can also work or ride a bike to save gasoline. You may meet some interesting friends during this moment. Enjoy it!
- Take care of your health
Stay healthy is to make money, too. If you are a billionaire, but health is poor. Then all efforts go in vain. So health is the best wealth. Take regular excise every week such as running, yoga, dance or body building. Keep a balanced diet, milk, fruit, meat, egg and etc.
Above are 8 tips for you to keep down your cost to make more money and stay a healthier life at the same time.
By F3 Club