The significance of power, energy, and electricity has been immense in creating a comfortable and technologically driven lifestyle for most people residing all across the globe. The evidence of the contribution of science and technology can be observed through the progress made in the sectors such as the automobile industry, agriculture, industry, communication sector, space exploration, power, energy among others.
The questions regarding sustainable renewable energy and power for consumption are gradually leaning towards the battery energy in the form of an unrelenting momentum. In recent times globally there has been a surge shift in momentum towards clean and green energy and power. Countries gradually have shifted towards parallel forms of energy such as solar power, wind energy, hydroelectricity among others. The real question is not regarding the vast scope of energy and power these natural sources can provide but that of storing and distributing that generated power. This is where the importance of development in the battery sector has been very important.
Batteries are available in various shapes, sizes, capacities and compositions such as Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-mH), Lead Acid (car batteries), Lithium-Ion (Li-oN), Lithium Polymer (Li-pO). The lithium-based batteries are the most recent form of batteries which due to their vast applications, efficiency and performance have been increasingly popular in recent times.
The influence of science and development has impacted the tool and implements the manufacturing sector immensely. The history of mankind would have been incomplete without the contribution of the inventive tools and implements. From the invention of the wheel to all the tools and implements exhibited in the various museums across the world, the collaborative story is of complete synchronized symbiotic relationship. In recent times, the handheld electronic cordless power tools have been immensely in demand due to their efficiency, time-saving and easy usability.
There is enormous diversity in the range of electronic power tools such as grinders, polishers, drill machines, drivers, nail guns, compressors, among others. The task these cordless power tool kits perform is the same but equipped with electric motors they essentially reduce the time taken for most projects. These modern devices are essentially cordless meaning they depend on the in-built batteries for their primary source of power. The quality of the batteries directly influences the working of the device which essentially means that taking utmost care and maintenance of the batteries is very crucial for enabling a longer working time.
Briefly, in points we shall highlight the basic actions which you need to know regarding not overcharging your power tool batteries:
- Battery Health
Overcharging the battery of your power tool can lead to a reduction in the lifespan on the same. Avoid overcharging by simply disconnecting the charger and removing the batteries.
- Charge batteries in your presence
Another important action you can do is to be present while you charge the batteries so timely disconnection can be undertaken.
- Use recommended and authentic chargers
Most rechargeable batteries will come with notifications regarding which brands of chargers they are best suited with. Authentic and recommended chargers must be used to prolong the life of your batteries.
- Charge in a proper location
Avoid attaching your charger and batteries where direct sunlight and humidity can come in contact. Batteries and chargers work seamlessly in cool and dry places.
- Self-discharge rates and storage
When you do not need your batteries to charge them below 50% to avoid issues related to self-discharge rates and store them in a plastic box in a cool and dry location.