There are various reasons why a battery is swollen or puffed up. There are chances you might have crashed your quadcopter or you might have over-discharged or over-charged your batteries. These reasons contribute to the puffed up of the LiPo batteries. If you have noticed that your LiPo batteries have puffed up then it is wise that you either stop using it or throw it away.
Here are some tips that you should keep in mind while discharging your swollen-up batteries:
The main target while disposing of the puffed batteries is that you should completely discharge them until there is no charge left meaning it should come to 0 volts. The main reason behind doing this is that they won't burst into flames if it is punctured.
This is the safest manner of disposing of the batteries. You can either dispose of the fully discharged battery in the rubbish or you can bring it to your local battery recycling facility. Apart from that, there are some tips you can follow while disposing of these batteries:
The main task that you need to perform is to drain out the battery so that it has 0 volts in it. The reason behind this is that Lithium polymer batteries are safe if it has not volt in it. After that you are required to make sure that no more charge can build up, the following steps will guide you in doing this
- Step 1: First get a bucket full of sand and place it outside with the battery in it
- Step 2: After that connect it with small or led lamp with an aim to drain it completely and keep the batteries like this for full one day after the led stops glowing
- Step 3: After doing this disconnect the connectors off the battery
- Step 4: Then strip the wires
- Step 5: After than you are required to make sure that no charge builds in it. This you can do by connecting the black and red wires to generate a short circuit and this will help you in preventing any build-up of voltage.
By following these steps, you will be able to stabilize the 3s LiPo batteries successfully which contains 11.1V and then it is completely safe and you can dispose of it in the regular trash. The chances of bursting out into flame will be negative.
These steps will be useful for you and following these steps you can easily be able to discharge the batteries by yourself or else you are required to rush it to your local vendors where the rest of the process can be followed. These steps will help you to discharge the batteries safely which is a very important task to do.
Remember! Never discharge these batteries with a full charge or else it can cause disaster. Please do follow these steps and do accordingly while disposing of them. You should not use these batteries when they are puffed up it is very risky. No matter these batteries give long life but don't be careless while throwing them off. The same process will be followed while disposing of 2s lipo batteries. You need to follow the same method.