As we all know, new coronaviruses are being spread in China recently. The virus has the ability to pass from person to person. Wuhan, the province which has the most infected patient, the government issued a traffic control,people need to stay at home and the express logistics is restricted .
Many people began to worry about how to send the epidemic prevention supplies to frontline medical staff. In this case, few days ago, a SF drone landed at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and delivered 3.3Kg of medical and epidemic prevention materials to the medical staff.
According to the staff, there are 3 drones were arranged to deliver a total load of 70kg emergency medical supplies. The drones are the Shunfeng Ark drone with a load of 10Kg and a range of 18Km,
In June 2013, Matternet of the United States tested drone networks in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Subsequently, SF, Amazon, Google and DHL also started the development of drone express delivery.
Although drone delivery has begun to use now, there are still some trouble.
The first is the technical problem, the load and transportation range of drone are limited. And weather and electromagnetic will have a great interference on the drone when it is in transit.
The second is the control problem. When drone express delivery is widely popularized to form a relatively dense low-altitude traffic flow, airspace management and control are essential. However, there are the many technology gaps of the radar detection and communication links of the micro air vehicles. The control and management of low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude airspace are also immature. The relevant management departments have few mature management systems and operating experience in this regard.
After Amazon announced that it will start a plan of drone delivery, some people said that they don't like the drones which will make noise. In the U.S. Diltrell area of Colorado to discuss whether to pass a bill that allows shooting drones, some local residents have even started a course on "how to shoot drones." Some netizens said, "I don't want to hear the drone noise every day."
What do you think of drone delivery?