The rise of the Massage Gun
The Massage Gun made its first debut in front of the general public was at the 2017 MLB Finals, where Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving used the gun to relax his back and thigh muscles and quickly return to the court with the help of a physical therapist. Since then, the Massage Gun has been widely used in team services in the MLB. Around 2018, the Massage Gun became popular in fitness circles, a device that rejuvenates muscles and greatly improves fitness efficiency, becoming a handy sports rehabilitation tool for fitness professionals. With the epidemic pushing people to focus on home fitness, the Massage Gun began to become known to the public, spreading to all aspects of daily life.
What is a Massage Gun
The massage gun is one of the most recent innovations made for the muscle recovery process. A Massage Gun is a soft tissue rehabilitation tool, that works by delivering high frequency shocks to muscle tissue, which in turn effectively relieves muscle tension and relaxes the body for pain relief.
Functional benefits of using a Massage Gun
Massage Guns have been in high demand in recent years due to the many benefits they provide, from pain relief to increased blood circulation.
1. Improve Sports Performance
The massage gun helps improve muscle contraction, which lengthens and strengthens muscle and fascia tissues. When the massage gun is used for a deep tissue massage, fluid and tension are released within the deeper muscles, resulting in improved blood circulation throughout the body, increased strength and performance, and expanded range of motion.
2.Injury Prevention
Massage Gun has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps and prevents overtraining. Consistent use of massage gun, joints will be more flexible, enhance flexibility, less likely to strain and sprain.
3.Relieves muscle soreness
The vibrations generated by the massage help improve blood and lymphatic circulation around the body, which helps produce more oxygen for the muscles. Rapid recovery, pain relief and relief of damaged muscle fatigue.
4.Rehabilitation and recovery
Massage is known to be one of the most effective injury rehabilitation therapies because the massage gun works on muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints, it not only speeds up the recovery process, but also prevents re-injury and improves the circulation of muscle and fascia tissues helping the injured area to be heal in a short time.
5. Stimulates the release of lactic acid
During strenuous exercise, lactic acid builds up quickly in the blood, which can leave you feeling exhausted, nauseous and with muscle cramps. A massage gun can reverse this as it helps to release lactic acid and other toxins from the muscles into the surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of muscle soreness.
6. Increase blood and lymph flow
Active people can accumulate too much lymphatic circulation, which can lead to lymphedema if left unchecked. Using a massage gun, it provides deep tissue massage, which will increase blood flow and stimulate the nerve receptors responsible for dilating blood vessels, which in turn creates a balance that helps improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system.
7. Activate the nervous system and muscles
For every activity on the muscles, the nervous system is notified. The massage gun helps to stimulate the receptors of the sympathetic nervous system, which causes vasodilation of the skin and muscles, thus releasing tension and helping the muscles to relax and maintain homeostasis in the body, while improving mobility.
8. Relieve muscle spasm and stiffness
Muscle spasms usually result in muscle ischemia, which can lead to painful spasms to the touch. Massage guns help muscles, tendons and ligaments relax by applying pressure to them, thereby relieve muscle spasms and stiffness that can be caused by strenuous exercise.
9. Decomposition of scar tissue
Scar tissue is made up of collagen fibers that help repair damaged fibers in the body. The massage gun provides deep tissue massage, which will help break down this scar tissue, thus reducing pain and relieving restrictions.
10. Health Benefits
In addition to relaxing muscles and reducing pain, massage guns have many other health benefits. Including increased mobility, improved sleep and improved immunity. It also helps with depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders and stress-related insomnia.
If you are looking for an affordable massage gun that stands out from the competition, invest in an Enegitech Massage Gun today and get the benefits immediately.
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