A smoke detector or smoke alarm is a warning device that detects smoke aiding in the prevention of a perilous situation.
Safety and security of one's own person, family, business, home and assets are vitally crucial for any individual residing in any part of the world. To seek solace from this worry some issues individuals have started to turn towards the inventions of science and technology. Several of the many manufacturers are developing newer, better and ingenious products on a daily basis in the field of safety and security.
Accidents and unforeseen incidents can occur without warning anywhere a person is stationed or residing. There is no foreseeing these events in order to avoid or prevent them before they occur. The best action an individual can undertake is to install safety measures that can help detect, warn and aid in undertaking safety measures. Fires can take place due to a vast array of reasons. The smoke detector is a very functional and efficiently effective electronic-based warning device that detects the presence of smoke and warns the person with a sharp ringing sound.
In recent times, the construction sector especially the residential home constructors have made the application of smoke detectors mandatory in their designs. Business owners also install smoke detectors in their premises to protect their assets.
In this article, we will provide all essential information to the reader towards the method to change the smoke detector battery.
Step 1: Remove the Cover
The first step is to remove the cover or removing the smoke alarm from your ceiling. The process of removing will depend on the brand and model you might be using. In most cases, by using a simple screwdriver to unscrew the nuts or in certain cases there are twist away lids on the smoke alarm. The process is simple and can be undertaken by any person.
Step 2: Ensure the replacement batteries are compatible
The second step is to ensure that you have bought the correct and compatible replacement batteries for your smoke alarm. There is a wide range of batteries available in the market for smoke alarms. The most recent versions of the smoke detectors make use of the 9V lithium battery which due to their superior quality lasts a long period of time. The smoke detector will fail to function if you choose the wrong specification of batteries.
Step 3: Remove old batteries and put in new batteries
The third step begins after you have opened the smoke alarm lid. It is important to not be hasty and be attentive and observe how the battery is installed in the model installed in your home. After careful understanding removes the smoke alarm battery from its slot in the alarm and replace them with your newly purchased fresh replacement batteries.
Step 4: Properly close the alarm and reinstall the smoke alarm
The fourth step takes place after you have replaced your old 9V battery with new fresh batteries is to properly and precisely close the smoke detector. Ensure the battery was installed correctly and close the detector. The next step is to reinstall the smoke alarm electronic device back in its place on the ceiling. Double-check that all precaution towards fixating the device is properly followed.
Step 5: Turn On the smoke detector and run a mock test
The final step is to turn the smoke alarm device on and undertake a mock test to check whether the batteries are working.